Advanced ROV Technology for Efficient Inspections

We recently invested in a fleet of underwater Remote Operated Vehicle systems equipped with the latest technology. ROV inspections eliminate the need for human divers and are able to perform inspections in strenous conditions, locations and depths. As only a small team mobilisation is required, ROV inspections offer a cost-efficient alternative to traditional underwater survey methods. As our team of divers are also the skilled ROV pilots, we can ensure qualitative underwater ROV inspections on worldwide locations.
The possibilities for these inspections are endless and we can provide the following services:
  • Hull Inspection
  • Hull Fouling Inspection
  • Vertical Side Inspection
  • Flat of Bottom Inspection
  • Niche Area Inspection
  • Seachest Inspection
  • Propeller Inspection
  • ICCP Inspection
  • Cathodic Protection Inspection
  • Ropeguard Inspection
  • Shaft Seal Inspection
  • Rudder Inspection
  • Stern Thruster Inspection
  • Bilge Keel Inspection
  • Scrubber Inspection
  • Bow Thruster Inspection
  • Transducer Inspection
  • Bulbous Bow Inspection
  • Ballast Tank Inspection
  • Water Tank Inspection
What are the benefits to Underwater ROV Inspections?
ROV inspections eliminate the need for human divers and are able to perform inspections in strenous conditions and depths. As only a small team mobilisation is required and reducing the inspection times, ROV inspections offer a cost-efficient alternative to traditional underwater survey methods. As our team of divers are also the skilled ROV pilots, we can ensure qualitative underwater ROV inspections on worldwide locations.
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